Months of the Year

Quarantine (Father's Day) of 2020 Happy Father's Day to All out there! fa⸱ther \ʹ’fä-thәr\ June 21, 2020 Etymology (from Oxford Dictionary) Germanic Origin Latin pater Old English fæder German vater Dutch vader Greek patēr However we say it. It has the same meaning as a MAN protecting, providing, loving and embracing our whole FAMILY. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY po sa lahat! I praise and thank you LORD GOD our Father. I venerate you po PAPA JOSEPH – the corporal father of Jesus on earth! May our God in heaven protect & embrace our departed Lolos, Uncles, Cousins & Father (for some). ©hqq2020 #FathersDay #fathersday2020 #father ~^~^ ~^~^ ~^~^ ~^~^ ~^~^ ~^~^ Quarantine (Mother's Day) of 2020 Happy Mother's Day! moth⸱er \ʹmә-thәr\ May 09, 2020 Etymology (from Merriam-Webster Dictionary) Latin mater Greek mētēr Sanskrit mātr Middle...